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Why vote for climate justice

There is no more important issue in the 2024 election than climate. The climate crisis is upon us and each day brings us closer to irreversible tipping points. As the climate spirals out of control, those that have done the least to cause climate change suffer the most from the associated heat, flood, fire, drought, famine, disease and economic disruption. A vote for climate action is a vote for frontline communities, for social, racial and economic justice. Find out where your candidates for public office stand on climate. What is their plan? Does it empower the workers who will build a green economy? Does it address the needs of those least able to cope? Does it lead to a just and equitable transition from a fossil fueled world? Find out, hold our elected leaders and those in power accountable and vote. #Voteclimatejustice

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Want to learn more before you pledge? We've collected forms, official guidelines, how-to's, and tool-kits so you can learn and engage more with what it means to #voteclimatejustice


Climate Justice Art Tool Kit

Print and share our posters, yard signs, banners and digital art materials! 


How to Write a Letter to the Editor

Use our step-by-step guide and learn how to write a letter to the editor about the Climate Crisis.


Maine Voter Guide

Learn more about registration, eligibility, and voter rights with the Maine Voter Guide. 


2024 Candidate Climate Justice Questions

Use our carefully curated list of Climate Justice questions to ask your candidate this election season!


Maine: Election Tools, Deadlines, Dates, Rules and Links

Register to vote, order your absentee ballot and find other resources to help you engage in Maine's 2024 election. 

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Political Galaxy

Use this awesome database to look up any candidate and learn what they're all about. This is a great resources for those voting absentee and ranked choice!


Maine State Government: Voter Information Look-up

This information includes the location of your voting place, the candidates that will appear on your ballot, and your elected officials and how to contact them.


Upcoming Elections and Deadlines in Maine

Stay up to date with Rock the Vote on upcoming elections and deadlines.

Maine Voter Registration & Absentee 

Follow and share our #voteclimatejustice campaign!

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