Why vote for climate justice?
There is no more important issue in the 2024 election than climate. The climate crisis is upon us and each day brings us closer to irreversible tipping points. As the climate spirals out of control, those that have done the least to cause climate change suffer the most from the associated heat, flood, fire, drought, famine, disease and economic disruption. A vote for climate action is a vote for frontline communities, for social, racial and economic justice. Find out where your candidates for public office stand on climate. What is their plan? Does it empower the workers who will build a green economy? Does it address the needs of those least able to cope? Does it lead to a just and equitable transition from a fossil fueled world? Find out, hold our elected leaders and those in power accountable and vote. #Voteclimatejustice
Want to learn more before you pledge? We've collected forms, official guidelines, how-to's, and tool-kits so you can learn and engage more with what it means to #voteclimatejustice.